The closest distance in the world is not the intersection of two points between a straight line, but walking on the right road without hesitation.

The total import and export volume of Ningbo 2020, a major foreign trade city, reached 978.69 billion yuan, up 6.7% year on year.


The "transcript" shows that from the perspective of import and export regions, the United States, the European Union (excluding the United Kingdom, the same below) and ASEAN are the top three trading partners of Ningbo's foreign trade. 2020, Ningbo's imports and exports to the United States, the European Union and ASEAN were 173.53 billion yuan, 170.78 billion yuan and 107.95 billion yuan respectively, up 22%, 7.2% and 10.5% yuan year-on-year, accounting for 46.2% of the city's total foreign trade value in the same period. Compared with the 2019, the import and export volume of Ningbo 2020 to countries and regions along the "Belt and Road Initiative" route and 17 countries in Central and Eastern Europe have increased.

In addition, among the types of foreign trade products, mechanical and electrical products and labor-intensive products are Ningbo's main export commodities, and imports of mechanical and electrical products and some bulk commodities have increased compared with the previous year.

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